With WhatsApp you can not only send messages and photos, but also make calls....
The “iPhone moment” for the tech industry? Generative artificial intelligences like ChatGPT raise high...
Organic solar cells are apparently on the verge of a breakthrough and could revolutionize...
With Stable Doodle, the US start-up Stability AI has released a new AI tool...
Roof boxes offer an optimal solution for efficiently expanding the storage space of a...
When it comes to paying, the credit card in particular is a versatile means...
Actually, Lubomila Jordanova only wanted to go surfing, but mountains of garbage in Morocco...
The Interstuhl PURE ACTIVE is a modern office chair that is aimed at anyone...
You probably know this: Your life as an independent entrepreneur or freelancer is ruled...
Technical advances in wind energy could ruin the industry. Because wind turbines are getting...