Working from home is now part of everyday life. It has become clear that this does not always work easily and smoothly. For this reason, a tool can support you to work better and more productively. We introduce you to the all-in-one docking station Logi Dock from Logitech and show you the advantages for working in the home office.

Home office is an integral part of many companies. To make the work of the employees more productive, the Logi Dock is an uncomplicated option, especially for video conferences.

The features of the Logi Dock by Logitech

What is important for most in daily work is the connection to many online meeting apps. This means that the Logi Dock is integrated into the most popular online meeting apps such as Microsoft Teams, Google Meet or Zoom.

Key features include powerful video conferencing controls. Logitech deliberately developed the Logi Dock with online meetings in mind. Controls are available to users to simplify navigation. For example, they can go directly to the meeting by pressing a button, mute themselves in the meeting or leave the video.


The Logi Dock also has a total of six noise cancellation microphones that help suppress background noise. In addition, users no longer have to worry about not being heard in video conferences. Because good communication is the be-all and end-all so that home office works for all employees.

But it’s not just about buttons that make operation easier. A calendar is integrated via Logi Tune. The Logi Dock then automatically reminds users of all scheduled meetings with a flashing LED light on the front of the device. All that is then left to do is join the meeting.

If you need several connection options, for example to connect monitors to the Logi Dock, there are seven connections available.

The advantages for the home office

There are clear advantages that speak in favor of using the Logi Dock for your work in the home office.

Orderly and clear workplace

Numerous electronic devices are now required for daily work, all of which cause clutter with their cables. And that clutter can make you less productive. The Logi Dock wants to counteract exactly that. It becomes the control center and replaces many devices with an all-in-one solution.

No more missed meetings

Home office also means more online meetings at the same time. The Logi Dock can be synchronized with Logi Tune so that you don’t forget a meeting in addition to your daily work and always have an overview. This will inform you about upcoming meetings and appointments with visual signals.

Play music powerfully

Logi Dock is an optimal solution for everyone who likes to listen to background music. The docking station gives you clear, distortion-free sound from the integrated, powerful speakers. You have the option to play any audio file from your Bluetooth devices.

Now make your everyday work easier with Logi Dock

The Logi Dock is available in the two colors white and graphite at a price of 449 euros. If you also want to use the device to support your work in the home office, you can buy it now. The all-in-one docking station offers you all the functions you need when working from home.

Convince yourself now


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