About half of Germany’s area is used for agriculture. Startups like Tubesolar or Agrosolar Europe want to take advantage of this space.

Germany is to become climate neutral by 2045 – the Federal Government has committed itself to this in the Climate Protection Act. In order to achieve this goal, the expansion of renewable energies plays a decisive role. The power generated by solar power alone is expected to increase from around 60 to 215 gigawatts by the end of this decade.

The problem: Solar energy needs space, and as we all know, that space is scarce. Some start-ups from the DACH region have recognized this as an opportunity and have developed technologies that make it possible to use the space twice, i.e. additional green energy can be generated from space that has actually already been used. We introduce you to the most exciting projects in the photovoltaic industry.

Solar panels on train tracks

When it comes to sustainable and low-emission mobility, trains are indispensable. But the more than one million kilometers of railway tracks that stretch across Europe also have great potential: the Swiss startup Sun-Ways is currently trying to equip the spaces between the rails with solar modules.

Source: https://www.businessinsider.de/gruenderszene/business/solarenergie-diese-startups-stellen-die-pv-branche-auch-den-kopf-we/

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