Jaroslaw (Jarek) Kutylowski in front of a moss wall in his office in Cologne-Ehrenfeld. He is the CEO and founder of DeepL. Before founding the translation tool, he was CTO at Linguee.
Start-up scene / Elisabeth Neuhaus

In mid-November, the news got through that Cologne had its first startup valued at one billion or more: The makers of the translation tool DeepL are said to have closed a 100 million euro round of financing and are then worth that much.

But who is actually behind DeepL? Not much is known about the startup. The founder Jaroslaw Kutylowski is considered to be rather reserved, his company does not rely on much marketing or PR. Nevertheless, we have compiled some interesting facts here:

What does DeepL do – different and better than others?

Right from the start, the Cologne-based start-up entered the ring with heavyweights as competitors: DeepL competes with its offer directly with what Google Translate does, or Microsoft with the translator from Bing – and, according to experts, quickly has the edge.

Source: https://www.businessinsider.de/gruenderszene/business/sechs-dinge-die-ihr-jetzt-ueber-das-neu-einhorn-deepl-wissen-solltet-b/

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