The European fintech industry has had a difficult 2023. Fintech has been the most sought-after sector for years, but investment in the industry has declined significantly.
In 2022, a total of $82 billion was invested in European startups. According to venture capitalist Atomico, 17 percent of this – i.e. 13.9 billion dollars (equivalent to 12.8 billion euros) – flowed into fintech startups. The share fell in 2023. Accordingly, only around 4.5 billion dollars (4.14 billion euros) were invested in fintechs – this corresponds to a tenth of the total 45 billion dollars (41.4 billion euros) that flowed into the ecosystem. The same phenomenon can also be observed on a global level. According to Crunchbase, venture investment in fintechs worldwide has fallen to $43 billion – the lowest level in six years.
But while the existential crisis at the macro level has not yet subsided, the decline of the industry in general has been greatly exaggerated. The drop in investment has led to a rethink within the industry after record-breaking sums were invested in 2021. Companies with weaker business models are out, while more solid B2B companies are in.
Source: https://www.businessinsider.de/gruenderszene/perspektive/diese-32-europaeischen-fintechs-solltet-ihr-kennen/