we-do.ai GmbH is a team of software developers from Leipzig who deal with artificial intelligence. In 2022, they present Foodcall, a voice chatbot that can take and process food orders. In the site portrait we take a look behind the scenes.
Anyone who has ever worked in the catering industry knows how hectic it is in restaurants and bars. But since online orders have become more and more popular, there have been even more tasks for service and kitchen staff. The AI project Foodcall by the Leipzig software company we-do.ai is now intended to remedy the situation.
Foodcall: AI chatbot takes orders
The software developers at we-do.ai GmbH have been working on an AI voice chatbot for about three years. The project was christened Foodcall.
Since the beginning of 2022, the software has been taking orders by phone, transmitting information to the kitchen and also integrating inquiries into the cash register system. The chatbot works 24/7 and can process multiple orders at the same time.
Relief for restaurateurs
With Foodcall, the main aim is to relieve the employees in the restaurants. The Leipzig-based company promises less stress, no errors when taking orders and 24-hour availability.
This is how the software company we-do.ai works
In October 2018, businessman Sebastian Hecker and developer André Neumann founded we-do.ai GmbH together. Their goal was to offer software solutions in the field of artificial intelligence.
For the two founders, it turned out in the course of the cooperation that work processes in the catering industry in particular can be simplified using voice AI.
Employees decide flexibly where they work
The company now has 23 employees working on AI projects such as Foodcall. The developers of we-do.ai and the back office team use the Leipzig office in particular.
According to the motto “Everything is possible, nothing has to be” all employees work in hybrid mode and decide for themselves whether they go to the office or work remotely.
An employee challenge has been running in the “fun corner” for two years: who throws a basket from a distance of five meters most often with a miniature basketball? (Photo: Company)
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Source: https://www.basicthinking.de/blog/2022/11/05/foodcall-chatbotwe-do-ai-essen-bestellen/