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Many people now prefer an eBook reader when reading. However, the devices are available in many different versions. In our weekly ranking we show you the ten best eBook readers according to Stiftung Warentest.
Many people now prefer to use an electronic reading device instead of a book. Because eBook readers are lighter and are suitable for reading on the balcony, in bed and on the go. Users can also buy and download individual book titles online. Electronic books also usually cost less than their printed counterparts.
However, anyone who is interested in an eBook reader is faced with a large selection of different models. The individual devices support different formats and also have some other technical peculiarities.
The best eBook readers according to Stiftung Warentest
Stiftung Warentest currently has 33 eBook readers in its database – including models from Amazon, Tolino, Pocktebook, Kobo and Lenovo. The consumer organization rated the devices in terms of image quality in very bright, medium and dark ambient light, among other things. Grades were also awarded for handling, robustness and battery life. In the following ranking we show you the ten best eBook readers according to Stiftung Warentest.
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Platz 10: Amazon Kindle Paperwhite 2021
The Amazon Kindle Paperwhite 2021 lands in tenth place in the ranking of the ten best eBook readers. In the Stiftung Warentest test, the device received the Overall grade 1.7. The consumer organization particularly emphasizes the very good battery life. It received a quality rating of “very good” and a partial grade of 0.5.
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Source: https://www.basicthinking.de/blog/2024/04/17/die-besten-ebook-reader/