E-book readers have a number of advantages over classic books: They save space, have a large memory and allow you to read in the dark. In our weekly ranking we therefore show you: the ten best e-book readers.

What could be nicer than relaxing with a good book? In turn, e-book readers contain not just one book, but up to hundreds. Some titles are even available free of charge or cheaper in the digital version than in the printed version.

The best e-book readers on the market

In the meantime, Stiftung Warentest has compared 21 reading devices and determined the best e-book readers. In the search for the right device, criteria such as image quality, battery life, handling and processing play a role. In the following ranking we present you the results.

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Platz 10: Pocketbook Basic 4

The Pocketbook Basic 4 costs an average of 85 euros online. The Stiftung Warentest gave the quality of the reader a grade 3,3 rated. This ensures a satisfactory quality of the picture and handling. The battery life was even rated “very good”.

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Source: https://www.basicthinking.de/blog/2023/05/27/besten-e-book-reader/

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