Researchers have developed a test using AI to diagnose Parkinson's early. This could save important nerve cells in time. The background.

In recent years, engineers around the world have made significant progress in the development of AI systems. It is therefore hardly surprising that artificial intelligence has now penetrated many areas of our everyday lives – including medicine.

Researchers at University College London (UCL) and Göttingen University Hospital recently developed an AI-based blood test that can predict Parkinson's up to seven years before symptoms appear.

This breakthrough promises earlier diagnosis and treatment. In the medium term, this can help protect brain cells before the disease damages them. The AI ​​analyzes eight specific biomarkers in the blood to diagnose Parkinson's with almost 100 percent accuracy.

AI test detects Parkinson’s in all patients who later become ill

Parkinson's is the fastest growing neurodegenerative disease in the world and currently affects almost ten million people. The disease is caused by the loss of nerve cells in the parts of the brain that control movement. These nerve cells lose the ability to produce dopamine, which leads to the typical Parkinson's symptoms such as tremors and slowing of movements.

The new test could make it possible to find treatments that slow or even stop the progression of the disease. Doctors could use this method to protect the dopamine-producing cells. The research results show that the AI ​​was able to analyze the blood samples of 72 patients. About 80 percent of them later developed diseases such as Parkinson's.

A simple test should be available in about two years

Over a period of ten years, the AI ​​predictions were completely consistent with the actual disease development. The researchers now plan to further verify the accuracy of the test and hope to develop a simpler blood drop test within two years with sufficient funding.

This could predict Parkinson's before symptoms appear. Professor David Dexter, Research Director at Parkinson's UK, described the research as a significant step forward towards a definitive and patient-friendly diagnosis for Parkinson's.

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