The Israeli startup Brain Space wants to study the effects of space on the human brain for ten days. Three astronauts are to wear a special helmet from the company. During a flight to the ISS, corresponding tasks and examinations are then carried out.

Our bodies are always full of new surprises. Although we have already been able to decipher some secrets and research components, there is still a lot to do. Above all, our brain continues to present itself as particularly complex.

One reason why many researchers formulate or refute new theses about the organ every day. One such company is Brain Space from Israel. As the name suggests, the focus of the start-up is not only on the human brain but also on space.

Like the news agency Reuters reports, the aim of a new study is to equip astronauts with a special helmet and measure brain activity on the international space station ISS. Little is known about brain activity in space.

Brain Space: How does our brain react to space?

It’s supposed to start on April 3rd, because that’s when a ten-day space mission starts with a rocket from the space company SpaceX. The destination is the International Space Station ISS. Three astronauts will wear a helmet from the Israeli start-up, which will continuously record their brain activity.

In the past there have been quite a few experiments on humans in space. Effects on heart rate, skin, muscle mass and other properties of the human body were analyzed. However, as of today, the brain has not yet been measured.

Small exercises are designed to increase brain activity

A total of around 30 experiments are scheduled over the ten days. These are intended to stimulate brain activity and facilitate the collection of data through 460 brushes in the helmet. An exercise takes about 20 minutes. The activity is also transmitted to a laptop on the ward.

After returning to earth, the data will be evaluated. One of the aims is to investigate the difference in brain activity between earth and space. This can help in the development of brain gauges or other medical tools. At the same time, the project could be a springboard for further research in space.

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