The Swedish company CorPower Ocean has developed a wave power plant that is particularly impressive due to its storm resistance. Even meter-high waves cannot harm the buoys.
The energy transition is progressing. But in addition to wind and solar, another energy source is proving to be extremely promising. Wave power plants on the ocean generate energy from waves without emissions. The Swedish company CorPower Ocean recently set a new record with its own C4 wave energy converter (WEC).
The manufacturer's first commercial system demonstrated high storm resilience and efficient power generation in an ocean demonstration program. The system adapts to different sea conditions by reacting to storms and increasing the movement and energy capture in normal waves. According to the company, the system uses phase control technology and was able to withstand wave heights of up to 18.5 meters.
Wave power plant: Storm resistance even with 18.5 meter high waves
Since commissioning in August 2023, the company has verified all key system functions, including power export to the grid, automated control and monitoring of the system. The data collected also enabled the calibration of a digital twin.
This enables extensive tests with realistic data within a computer simulation. At the same time, further tests are being carried out with the plant at the Aguçadoura site. CorPower Ocean verified its storm resistance by surviving four major storms. After each storm, the power plant resumed operations without any problems and exported electricity to the Portuguese grid.
In November 2023, waves at the site reached a height of up to 18.5 meters, which is considered a historical record for the northern region of Portugal. The ability to reconfigure the device depending on sea conditions is crucial for the competitiveness of wave energy.
System reached a peak output of 600 kilowatts
By activating phase control technology, the system can oscillate with the waves, enhancing machine motion and energy capture. This feature is similar to the blade pitch control on wind turbines, which adjusts response to wind conditions to limit stress in storms and optimize energy harvesting under normal conditions.
During commissioning, the focus was on verifying safe and reliable operating conditions. The system achieved a peak output of 600 kilowatts.
Further adjustments to the electric drive train are intended to increase the power capacity to 850 kilowatts. Calibration of the digital twin showed a match between measured and simulated data of 96 to 99 percent.
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Source: https://www.basicthinking.de/blog/2024/06/10/wellenkraftwerk-sturmfestigkeit/