It can make you dizzy: every day there is countless news about the current status of artificial intelligence. New models, new startups, new regulations. It's good to take a breath and look at how AI has developed over time. Not from day to day, but from year to year. This is exactly what the well-known Stanford University, which has just published the AI Index Report for 2024, does on a regular basis.
The elite university has disclosed all the data and charts for this, so if you have time you can read everything here, including the 400-page report. If you just want to know what the ten most important points are that you need to know about current AI development, you can find them here:
This is what AI will look like in 2024
- In some areas, artificial intelligence is already superior to humans, such as translating texts. Anyone who regularly uses the software from the German startup unicorn DeepL, which relies on AI, will know how well machines can now translate from one language to another. But more complex tasks are currently difficult for AI, for example when it comes to logic.
Source: https://www.businessinsider.de/gruenderszene/technologie/geschaeftsmodelle-chancen-regularien-diese-10-fakten-muesst-ihr-jetzt-ueber-ki-kennen-um-den-anschluss-nicht-zu-verpassen/