In the spring of 2023, the Bavarian State Government published the Bavarian Digital Plan. This includes more than 200 digitization measures. In our blog post you can read to what extent aspects of sustainability were taken into account. In addition, we provide valuable impulses on how both digital and sustainable transformation can succeed.
Twin Transition – fashion or concept?
Haven’t we dealt extensively with digital transformation in recent years? Now there is the transformation towards more sustainability. In total, two simultaneous transformations – a twin transition.
But why should one focus on the twin transition, i.e. the twin transformation of digitization and sustainability? The answer is quite simple – the concept of the twin transition is the key to sustainable digitization, solving two challenges at the same time and using synergy effects that can already be found in practice. Using the example of Bavarian digital plan shows the necessity of linking both areas. Bavaria is taking responsibility for climate protection and at the same time is driving digitization under the vision of “living better digitally”. The Free State is not alone in this. The other federal states are also facing the challenge of creating sustainable structures in the areas of governance, data and infrastructure and some have already taken measures. These structures are not created on the pristine alpine meadow, but against the background of already existing and heterogeneous degrees of digitization in the administrative areas. In addition, there is a need for coordination between the federal, state and local governments as well as the legal framework, for example in the form of the Online Access Act or IT security.
Digitization can make a contribution to more sustainability and, on the other hand, leads to greater energy requirements due to greater use of IT. The double transformation can only succeed if both transformations are considered in connection.
Cloud Transition Management – Clouds over Bavaria?
Cloud is not only on everyone’s lips, but also affects CONET as an IT service provider in many projects. The challenge is:
- the potential of a cloud considering sovereignty and security issues to use,
- to align the application landscape with the “new” technology
- and to design a smooth transition from your own infrastructures to a central cloud.
CONET is very familiar with all facets of this area of tension in the daily implementation of digitization projects at federal and state level. Especially in relation to that Cloud Transition Management, which ranges from analysis to transformation to migration, numerous strategic and operational issues can be identified in daily practice. This also addresses the Digital plan Bavaria: Future cloud applications should be backed by correspondingly robust infrastructures. Success comes to those who prepare the transition with a suitable cloud strategy and provide professional support during implementation. In Bavaria this should be done with a Cloud Competence Center succeed. The goal is citizen-oriented and flexible cloud and platform-based solutions to overcome silo and departmental boundaries with a service approach and thus contribute to reducing bureaucracy.
OZG – administrative digitization in the network
The Digitalplan Bayern has a total of around 200 measures identified, which will now be further developed and then operationally implemented with the support of the Digital Ministry under the responsibility of the specialist departments. In addition, the Modernization of the e-government strategy with the ambitious goal of full digitization of the state administration by 2025. Fortunately, more and more initiatives can be identified in the federal states that should lead to the complete digitization of administrative services in the near future. In the course of Online access laws (OZG) as a driver of administrative digitization is the Building modern platforms just as necessary as that Linking of specialized procedures and registers. This is the only way to promote cooperation across departmental boundaries and administrative levels and existing individual solutions as well as intermediate developments – You remember: the untouched alpine meadow – be integrated successfully and smoothly. Bavaria uses the development of the OZG 2.0 for an inventory and further development in the course of a OZG-Masterplans 2.0in order to specifically strengthen cooperation between the federal, state and local governments.
Digital climate protection in Bavaria?
The goal of Climate neutrality in Bavaria by 2040 is also consistently considered in the digital plan from the IT perspective: resource-efficient data centers as part of the model „Bavarian Green Data“ should not only be climate-neutral, but climate-positive. Also in view of current developments in the area of - which is in the draft stage – Energy Efficiency Actto be introduced efficiency register for data centers (PeerDC) or newer Award criteria for the Blue Angel these initiatives appear timely. The avoidance of greenhouse gases in connection with resource efficiency and the consistent transition to the circular economy should also be lived in IT from procurement to use to further recycling. The digital plan focuses on environmentally friendly IT and climate protection through the use of IT. Climate protection is rightly described as the “biggest lever against climate change”. In practice, there are often challenges in the measurement of greenhouse gases, life cycle costs or in meeting efficiency requirements, since the data basis for products in the information and communication technology segment is sometimes poor.
With regard to the cloud transition, it is important to design the existing infrastructure sustainably, to dimension it accordingly and at the same time to design the cloud infrastructure from the start in terms of a Green Cloud to put on.
CONET, represented by PROCON IT in Garchingen, is particularly interested in supporting digitization in Bavaria. We welcome the Digital Plan Bavaria, but we also know from the daily support of customers in the federal, state and municipal environment about the challenges in the implementation of the core areas of the Digital Plan. The ambitious goals in the area of cloud, OZG, climate protection and green IT set the right focus and clarify the responsible and human-centric design of digital change in Bavaria.
A path that we actively support in Bavaria.
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Managing Consultant Sustainability & Green-IT
CONET Solutions GmbH
Christian Jürgens is Managing Consultant Sustainability and takes care of green IT issues at CONET.
Source: https://www.conet.de/blog/twin-transition-als-laendersache-der-digitalplan-bayern-mit-frischen-impulsen/