Researchers from Kyoto University and the Japanese construction company Kajima Corporation have developed a house for space. It should show how that life could take place in space. Thoughts have also been given to an interplanetary transport system.
A journey into space is still considered a distant vision for many people today. The super-rich are already flying into the vastness of space with private space travel providers. But one day, an alien planet could also ensure our survival.
Because if we continue to treat the earth as we have done up to now, it is becoming increasingly likely that there will soon no longer be any basis for human life. It is becoming more and more likely that we will eventually colonize Mars or the moon, for example.
Visionaries like Elon Musk keep talking about it. But it will probably be a few decades or centuries before the first colony is established. In order to be prepared, the University of Kyoto and the Japanese construction company presented Kajima Corporation recently a first version of a future space dwelling.
Oversized glass is said to make life similar to Earth possible
If you look at the building from the outside, you see an oversized glass. This is why the concept was given the name “The Glass”. Because research on the ISS shows again and again how dangerous the lack of gravity can be for us. In order to mitigate these consequences, the 400 meter high construct rotates on its own axis every 20 seconds.
This centrifugal force creates a sense of gravity. The body is less stressed. A first prototype of “The Glass” is to be built on the moon by 2050. But how do you transport passengers and the materials for them?
Space Train transports passengers between satellite stations
With the so-called hexagon space rail system, a train, similar to the Japanese high-speed train Shinkanse, should enable a connection to all planets. For this purpose, rocket engines are ignited during the descent on Mars or the Moon. Satellites, in turn, are the future stops.
To protect passengers from cosmic radiation, the individual cars separate and then form into hexagonal capsules. The pods are then transported between stations, linked together and held on the next planet. Forces like those on Earth should prevail throughout the journey.
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Source: https://www.basicthinking.de/blog/2022/07/17/weltraum-haus-zug/