A current ADAC survey shows what annoys pedestrians most in traffic. The biggest disruptive factors: recklessness, too many vehicles and e-scooters. The backgrounds.
Whether it's a walk, a weekend shopping trip or the daily walk to work: Germans make almost one in three journeys on foot. But pedestrians are increasingly annoyed by e-scooters and their drivers in traffic. This is one of the core results of a current ADAC survey.
Pedestrians do not feel safe in traffic
How safe is it actually to walk on German roads? The ADAC also asked itself this question and started a survey for the second time since 2021. The automobile club surveyed over 3,250 pedestrians in the most populous cities in all 16 federal states.
The result: Only around half of those surveyed (51 percent) feel safe when walking in traffic. The sense of security has apparently hardly improved since the corona pandemic. Because in the same survey in 2021 the value was also around 50 percent.
E-scooters annoy pedestrians in traffic
According to the survey, there are big differences between the big cities. Cities like Potsdam (66 percent) and Munich (64 percent) are considered particularly safe. In Saarbrücken (38 percent) and Cologne (34 percent), the feeling of security is currently rather poor.
The main reasons for this: deficiencies in the transport infrastructure and the behavior of other road users. According to ADAC, pedestrians are particularly annoyed by the driving behavior of e-scooter drivers. Compared to 2021, the value rose from 48 to 55 percent. From a pedestrian perspective, cyclists and other pedestrians are also behaving more recklessly than was the case two years ago.
One possible reason: Mobility in cities has increased significantly again compared to the Corona years. According to the survey, various factors affect pedestrians' perception of safety in road traffic. These are the ten most frequently mentioned disruptive factors with regard to other road users:
- E-scooter drivers are on sidewalks without permission (71 percent)
- E-scooter drivers travel too fast (71 percent)
- E-scooter drivers are on sidewalks without permission (69 percent)
- E-scooter drivers do not pay attention to pedestrians when turning (67 percent)
- Cyclists overtake with too little distance (65 percent)
- Cyclists don't ring the bell or ring it too late when overtaking (63 percent)
- Drivers do not pay attention to pedestrians when turning (62 percent)
- Cyclists are on sidewalks without permission (62 percent)
- Pedestrians constantly look at their smartphones (61 percent)
- Cyclists are traveling too fast (61 percent)
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Source: https://www.basicthinking.de/blog/2023/11/24/e-scooter-fussgaenger/