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All the apps on your smartphone on one watch: Smartwatches are not just fitness trackers, they can also make your everyday digital life a whole lot easier. In our weekly ranking, we show you the ten best smartwatches.
Smartwatches can track so much more than your movements. Whether it’s navigation, messaging, or contactless payments, the best smartwatches have a lot to offer. In this overview, we will show you who a smartwatch can be suitable for.
The currently 10 best smartwatches
Since there are now a lot of smartwatches on the market, Stiftung Warentest has identified the ten best devices from Apple, Garmin, Samsung and Co. The factors of fitness functions, communication, handling, battery, stability and data protection are taken into account in the analysis. We present all the results to you.
Platz 10: Samsung Galaxy Watch5 40mm
The Samsung Galaxy Watch5 convinces in the test with a short charging time and stability. In terms of costs, the watch is 236 euros. Overall, this smartwatch achieved the test rating of 2.1.
Source: https://www.basicthinking.de/blog/2023/04/01/fitness-tracker-und-mehr-das-sind-die-10-besten-smartwatches/