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The best smart thermostats for your home can not only be controlled from almost anywhere, but can also save a lot of energy. But which models are the most convincing? We'll show you in our ranking.
Did you have to leave the house quickly and perhaps you forgot to turn off the heating? This is not a problem if you heat with smart thermostats. With these you can conveniently control how warm your rooms should be using your smartphone while on the go. But which models are currently considered the best thermostats?
The best smart thermostats
Stiftung Warentest has compared eleven smart temperature controllers with each other. They are priced between 44 and 110 euros. The criteria of room temperature control, usage and basic protection of personal data are taken into account in the evaluation. If you want to heat smartly, you don't necessarily have to dig deep into your pockets. We present the results in the following ranking.
10th place: Hama Smart Radiator Thermostat
Stiftung Warentest gives this thermostat a quality rating of 3,3 a. The control is battery operated and there is also automatic frost protection.
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Source: https://www.basicthinking.de/blog/2023/10/21/klueger-heizen-das-sind-die-10-besten-smarten-thermostate/