More and more people are using a gas grill for grilling. But not all models keep what they promise. In addition, the range of devices is becoming increasingly extensive. In our weekly ranking we show you the ten best gas grills.

Whether in the garden or on the balcony: grilling is part of the German tradition in the warm seasons. According to statistics, around 39 percent of Germans grill every two weeks, weather permitting.

In order for it to taste good in the end, not only the grilled food and the technique should be right. The grill also plays a crucial role. Although many still rely on a classic charcoal grill, more and more people are now switching to a gas grill.

The best gas grills according to Stiftung Warentest

The main thing about gas grills is their cleanliness and convenience, as they are ready to use within a few minutes. While tradition fans complain that the heat source affects the taste of the grilled food, some experts have already refuted this.

However, you still need to be careful when choosing the right gas grill because not every model delivers what it promises. Stiftung Warentest therefore took a closer look at 24 gas grills and examined them, among other things, for their grilling properties and handling, their safety and consumption as well as pollutant emissions. In the following ranking we show you the ten best gas grills according to Stiftung Warentest.

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Platz 10: Outdoorchef Australia 315 G

With the Overall grade 2.6 The Outdoorchef Australia 315 G comes in tenth place in the ranking. It received a quality rating of “good” for its grilling ability and handling. However, in terms of safety, corrosion resistance and workmanship, the model only achieved a “satisfactory” rating.

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