Since the latest WhatsApp update, many users have seen a new icon next to certain stickers in their chat: a little ghost. We explain what the new symbol means and what is behind it.

In December 2022, WhatsApp introduced its new avatars. Messenger users should be able to communicate even more individually with the “virtual self”.

Since the latest update of the app, a new icon that looks like a little ghost has appeared in the chat alongside some stickers. We’ll explain what it’s all about.

New WhatsApp symbol: That’s what the little ghost stands for

Basically, the little ghost icon next to the stickers indicates that it’s an avatar. With a click on it, WhatsApp users are forwarded directly to the avatar area.

If you don’t have your own avatar yet, you can create one there. Users have the opportunity to individualize their virtual image based on various points. For example, they can choose from different genders, body shapes, hairstyles, hair and skin colors, and facial details.

New icon: WhatsApp users can use the ghost to create their virtual self

In addition, users can add details such as beards and glasses to their avatars. Hearing aids and piercings or headgear are also available.

Alternatively, users can also edit their virtual self in the settings area. In this way, you can create your own image under the “Avatar” tab. If you already have a personalized sticker, you can also set it as your profile picture.

WhatsApp wants to expand avatar stickers

According to WhatsApp, it wants to further expand its avatars in the future and add more functions. For example, users should be able to create multi-avatar stickers. In this way, they should be able to link their avatar to that of their contacts.

Meanwhile, the messenger service is not the only company that now offers avatars. Meta, for example, already provides the virtual images in 3D. Zoom users can also use the stickers in video conferences.

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