Fake news is one of the biggest problems on social networks. Especially on Telegram and X (formerly Twitter), many users are exposed to disinformation.
Misinformation probably belongs to social networks just as much as the diamond belongs to Angela Merkel's hands. But there are networks that are particularly badly affected by the phenomenon of disinformation.
A study by the Bertelsmann Foundation now shows how many users actually come across disinformation on social media. Telegram and X are particularly popular.
Disinformation: Telegram and X are frontrunners
The study by the Bertelsmann Foundation shows that the rate of disinformation on all platforms surveyed is over a third. For some networks the number is significantly higher.
The frontrunner when it comes to disinformation is the messenger Telegram, which probably lives up to its bad reputation with this result. Here, almost half (49 percent) of those surveyed came into contact with false information very frequently or frequently.
X is also widely known as a breeding ground for disinformation. It is therefore not surprising that the number here is only slightly behind Telegram at 48 percent.
Meta platforms are at the bottom of the list
The career network LinkedIn follows the two leaders in third place. Here, 45 percent of users encountered disinformation very often or frequently.
Instagram and Facebook follow in fourth and fifth place with 42 and 40 percent respectively. TikTok also manages 40 percent, WhatsApp is just behind with 39 percent.
The problem with disinformation on Telegram, X and Co.
While 44 percent of those surveyed on Telegram rarely or very rarely come into contact with disinformation, seven percent of those surveyed said they did not see such content on the platform at all.
What is particularly problematic is the level of awareness of disinformation. For its study, the Bertelsmann Foundation also asked about the rate of uncertainty about the truthfulness of information on the Internet.
Only nine percent of those surveyed said that they were not at all or (very) rarely unsure about their assessment, while at the same time they often or very often come across false information.
In this group, younger respondents aged up to 29 years were overrepresented. However, older respondents aged 60 and over were underrepresented here.
The situation is similar when comparing the genders. Like the younger respondents, men tend to be over-represented in the group with low uncertainty and high perception, while women are under-represented.
It can be assumed that younger respondents are more likely to recognize fake news on the Internet. However, it is also possible that these two groups “tend to overestimate their own abilities in this regard”.
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Source: https://www.basicthinking.de/blog/2024/02/29/desinformation-telegram/