The Ad-Filtering Dev Summit has been one of the most important events for developers and anyone interested in ad blockers for several years. The exchange and the many exciting lectures ensure a lively event – on site or online. We’ll show you exactly what to expect and how to register for free.
What is the Ad-Filtering Dev Summit?
The Ad-Filtering Dev Summit is an event that is basically about the question of what developers can do to improve Internet user content through ad blockers. In addition, the Summit is about much more: It’s about growth and how sustainable solutions for optimal use of the Internet can be found.
Because one thing is clear: simply blocking ads completely is not a sustainable solution. It is much more about finding a range of different solutions that meet the individual wishes and ideas of the users. This means that a positive online experience can also lead to brands and companies earning money with the content.
But how does it work to create this balance? The experts at the Ad Filtering Dev Summit deal with this question. Among them were many well-known speakers, but also representatives from different areas, such as researchers, publishers and people from the ad blocker industry.
Register now for the Ad-Filtering Dev Summit for free
You still have the chance to register for the Ad-Filtering Dev Summit on October 5th and 6th, 2022. The live event will take place in Amsterdam this year. After the last two years of the pandemic, the organizers are happy to finally be able to welcome all interested people live again.
You also have the option of registering for the virtual event. Connect with a diverse group of people who are all passionate about ad filtering. Learn firsthand the advances being made in ad filtering from influential people in the scene.
Among the speakers who will be there are Ben Savage, software engineer at Meta, Arjan van Leeuwen, head of product development at Opera, Arvind Narayanan, professor at Princeton University and Dr. Humera Noor Minhas, director of technology at eyeo.
Take your chance now to register for either the live event in Amsterdam or the free virtual event to hear the many interesting lectures and participate in discussions.
register now for free
Source: https://www.basicthinking.de/blog/2022/09/27/ad-filtering-dev-summit/