For a new episode of the US animated series South Park, the producers relied on the help of the artificial intelligence ChatGPT. The AI ​​software was even allowed to co-author the screenplay.

In the past week, one topic in particular has been going through the roof: artificial intelligence (AI). In addition to Microsoft, which now uses Open AI (ChatGPT) technology with Bing, many other companies have now jumped on the AI ​​train. But the adaptation also carries some risks.

Still, that didn’t stop the makers of the hit US animation series South Park from writing an entire episode with ChatGPT. In the 26 years that the series has been running, there have already been some advances in technology. So is ChatGPT a logical consequence of this development?

South Park episode is about using ChatGPT

The fourth episode of season 26 is aptly titled “Deep Learning” and even features the AI ​​ChatGPT. In the episode, fourth grader Stan Marsh uses the tool to compose pertinent messages for his girlfriend. Because he himself is not a romantic at all. A reason, then, to outsource this problem.

Of course, that doesn’t go well in the long term. Because towards the end the school management, his classmates and also the girlfriend convict the boy. In the credits, viewers then receive information about the authors. The following is written there: “Written by Trey Parker & ChatGPT”.

Episode shows the advantages and disadvantages of AI-supported systems

The episode makes several things clear: On the one hand, AI-supported tools such as ChatGPT are useful. Because especially in moments when a creative traffic jam blocks further writing, such systems can help out. But the topic could also be taken to the extreme and could lead to job losses in the animation industry in the long term.

In addition, Stan Marsh impressively shows in the episode to what extent human closeness can suffer from such systems. Because if we also outsource our emotions to AI systems for reasons of efficiency: What then actually makes us human?

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