At the beginning of the year, a gigantic wave of layoffs rolled over the big tech companies. Shortly thereafter, the topic of artificial intelligence hit all industries. Despite the songs of praise, the antithesis is also included: Can AI soon take over the coding – even better and more efficiently than human developers? Is it still worth starting in the classic tech field or should you go straight to AI?
The effects of the far-reaching changes on the tech industry in general and on founders in particular are explained Marc Peter Dauter, Managing Director vom Coding Bootcamp-Anbieter Le Wagon Germanyin the guest post.
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2023: The tech industry in upheaval
Source: https://www.businessinsider.de/gruenderszene/technologie/lohnt-es-sich-ueberhaupt-noch-coden-zu-lernen-jetzt-wo-chatgpt-und-konsorten-das-koennen/