Special exceptions and special rules to promote competition and innovation within the EU AI Act make life a little easier for startups with the new law.
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Sebastian Bluhm is managing director of the strategy and technology consultancy Plan D, which, together with the law firm Taylor Wessing, offers technical and legal advice on the implementation of the AI ​​Act for companies. Because: The EU AI Act affects a whole lot of startups, not just those that are specifically working on an AI product. Anyone using AI, such as a chatbot, needs to act now. The expert explains which ones here important exceptions and special rules especially for startups you should definitely know.

If you want to find out what the new KI-VO specifically has in store for start-ups, you first have to search. The final draft of the text does not contain a separate chapter or exclusive regulations specifically for startups. But no worry. There are “special provisions for small and medium-sized enterprises” (SMEs), which the regulation also includes startups. In the form of special exceptions and special rules to promote competition and innovation. You just have to find them.

AI classification determines company size

Source: https://www.businessinsider.de/gruenderszene/technologie/europaeische-ki-verordnung-von-diesen-sonderregelungen-fuer-startups-koennt-ihr-richtig-profitieren/

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