With every step on the Internet, the risk to your own data security increases. Data is one of the most valuable currencies on the web. That’s why hackers do everything they can to get hold of sensitive information. They’re up to no good. In many cases, those affected lose a great deal of money and personal data that must be completely renewed. In some cases, entire networks are paralyzed. This also happens regularly to public institutions. Therefore, every user should get more security in the network in a few simple steps.
The following article provides the essential steps that significantly increase digital security.
Find the right antivirus program
Even with simple means, you can significantly increase the IT security of the systems. Companies only achieve greater security if they sensitize all employees and teams to the topic. Regular training and thorough instructions are just as important a prerequisite as functioning software. Private users and entrepreneurs alike are looking for the best antivirus program that suits their own requirements.
These programs protect against spyware, ransomware and trojans.
In doing so, they address the different dangers of infected downloads, hidden viruses on the websites and infected e-mail attachments. The hackers come up with a number of ingenious ways to get at the passwords and login data (Have hackers already found their own login data?). In some cases, they hijack the PC without a user noticing.

What does good software do?
The advanced software convinces with modern protection in all directions. Most people are looking for a coherent overall package that scores with good virus detection. Current manufacturers have developed programs that detect most of the latest threats at first go. The only difference is in terms of price.
The choice remains to take out a program as a subscription. In this case, you would transfer a fixed sum monthly and benefit from the strengths of the antivirus program.
The second option is to purchase and then download the antivirus software. The providers do not consume any resources on the PC and the programs always run in the background without slowing down the processes in the digital context.
Anyone who sends e-mails and messages with their notebook, PC, smartphone or tablet without anti-virus protection is entering a digital gamble. Accordingly, the hackers are constantly developing new malware that is able to access data in different ways and paralyze devices.

Manage passwords and design securely
Finally, there are a few key steps everyone can take to increase their own security. One of the security basics is a password. It should be at least eight or more characters in length and include both uppercase and lowercase letters. Combinations of special characters and digits are also mandatory. Then it is almost impossible for strangers to abstract the password.
A password should never be linked to your own data.
The most popular passwords are, for example, children’s birthdays, wedding anniversaries or your own birthday. Even simple mechanisms can be sufficient to avoid risks. The specifications within a company are very limited.
For very few, IT security is a priority. It is best to use a password manager because it will help you manage and generate your passwords.
Send encrypted data
Current analyzes have shown that IT security staff can significantly increase the number of e-mails, not least through encryption. The corresponding technologies pay the least attention. It is advisable to use comprehensive and general encryption. Then it makes no difference whether personal e-mails are written or documents with contracts and price lists change recipients.

Multi-factor authentication with increased security
A higher level of security is ensured by multi-factor authentication. This is used in a controlled manner because it should never stand in the way of productivity.
The big providers such as Microsoft and Apple now offer this process to significantly increase security. In sales processes in particular, it is important not to randomly enter your own credit card information or account details online. Activate the automatic connection to an unsecured WLAN network on your own PC. Only transmit your data in encrypted form and avoid dangerous and unsecured sites and online shops.
In this way, everyone can increase IT security
Nobody would leave their own door open all day at home. Unfortunately, most users are not very careful when it comes to the security of their data. This not only puts the PC and the network at risk. In the worst case, large sums of money are lost. In this way, every user should definitely use an additional antivirus program that immediately recognizes suspicious emails and websites and protects the data from the latest attacks from the network.
At the same time, it is important to select passwords that are as complicated as possible and to use different symbols. There are free tools and very practical programs that do a lot of the work for you. Investing in a good antivirus program and taking precautions for more security is nothing compared to the complete loss of sensitive data and damage to the hard drive and digital end devices.
Source: https://www.blog.de/cybersecurity-in-wenigen-schritten-zu-mehr-sicherheit/