About the customer
Our public sector customer operates large-scale critical infrastructure and is currently managing a cloud environment with just one AWS account as a proof of concept (PoC). The goal of the project is to modernize a cloud-native application environment to meet the requirements of critical infrastructure (KRITIS) audits.
This modernization includes migrating the running components to a newly set up cloud environment. The new environment will take into account applicable security, compliance, operational and spend management policies.
The challenge
The challenges in implementing the project include:
- Die Planning and setting up an organizational structure (AWS Organizational Units), that cleanly separates critical tasks and data from work environments
- The Developing and applying an automated set of rules, to maintain safety standards
- Die Development of a centralized network concept, which integrates seamlessly into the account and endpoint structure, and also meets security requirements across multiple accounts. AWS Control Tower was used.
- Die Transfer of clusters and applications with minimal or no disruption to business operations.
Source: https://www.protos-technologie.de/2023/12/12/aws-multi-account-struktur-und-sicherheitsautomatisierung-ein-praxisbeispiel-aus-dem-oeffentlichen-mobilitaetssektor/