An artificial intelligence based on ChatGPT should Zalando customers choose their clothes in the future. However, the beta version of the so-called new “Fashion Assistant” will initially only be available to a few customers.
Online fashion retailer Zalando has announced a new digital “Fashion Assistant”. The highlight: An artificial intelligence based on ChatGPT is supposed to help customers choose their clothes. According to Zalando, the AI tool should be available “this spring”. However, initially only as part of a test phase and for “a selected group” of customers.
Artificial Intelligence: Zalando integrates ChatGPT AI into its Fashion Assistant
Accordingly, the company wants to integrate artificial intelligence into both its app and the Zalando desktop version. The self-declared goal: “To make the online fashion shopping experience even easier”. Customers should be given the opportunity for additional advice in order to find articles.
For example, it should be possible to search for products “in your own words”. This in turn makes navigation more intuitive, according to Zalando. The new Fashion Assistant should also contain a chat for feedback.
The company plans to make a first test version of the AI tool available in spring “for a selected group of customers in Germany, Ireland, Great Britain and Austria in German and English”. However, the online fashion retailer did not give an exact date.
KI-Tool comes from ChatGPT developer OpenAI
Meanwhile, the software behind the new Fashion Assistant comes from ChatGPT developer company OpenAI. Tian Su, Vice President Personalization and Recommendation at Zalando, said:
The new Assistant is just the beginning: We want to get to know the needs and preferences of our customers even better and understand how ChatGPT can further improve their shopping experience on Zalando.
The new AI tool should form the basis for further functions. As an example, Zalando cites “fashion and beauty advice or the creation of entire outfits.” The protection of privacy is also guaranteed.
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Source: https://www.basicthinking.de/blog/2023/04/20/zalando-kuenstliche-intelligenz-chatgpt/