Apple has released an emergency update for the iPhone with iOS 17.5.1. The reason: The previous version iOS 17.5 contains a bug that causes deleted photos to reappear in the “Photos” library with damaged data.
Apple recently released iOS 17.5, a comprehensive function update for the iPhone. The problem: There was a bug in the new version that caused photos with damaged data to be displayed again in the “Photos” library even though they had already been deleted.
iOS 17.5.1 : “important bug fixes”
Apple has therefore released a kind of emergency update with iOS 17.5.1. According to the iPhone company, it contains “important bug fixes”. The reason for this is a “corrupted database” that leads to a “rare problem”.
However, the company has so far remained tight-lipped about details. It is still unclear whether the new update fixes the actual error or simply ensures that photos that have already been deleted no longer appear in the media library.
It is also questionable how the data protection glitch will affect older versions of iOS. Photo synchronization using iCloud does not seem to be the reason for the problem. Both users with iCloud photos and users who save their pictures locally on the iPhone report the error.
Install iPhone update
iOS 17.5.1 has been available for free download since May 21, 2024. Apple traditionally recommends installing it as soon as possible. The iPhone update is available for all models from the iPhone XS upwards. The version can be downloaded via the device settings under “Generally” and “Software update“ can be downloaded.
With iPadOS 17.5.1, Apple has also presented a new update for the iPad. The new software is available for all devices starting with the second-generation iPad Pro (12.9-inch), the third-generation iPad Pro (10.5-inch), the first-generation iPad Pro (11-inch) and the third-generation iPad Air generation available. This also applies to the normal sixth generation iPad and the fifth generation iPad Mini.
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Source: https://www.basicthinking.de/blog/2024/05/22/ios-17-5-1-apple-veroeffentlicht-notfall-update-wegen-datenschutzpanne/