Apple is launching a second generation of its HomePod smart speaker. In the future, it should even respond to a smoke detector alarm and warn its owner accordingly.
In February 2018 Apple launched the first generation of its smart speaker HomePod. On February 3rd – almost exactly five years later – the second generation is to be released.
The iPhone group only took the HomePod out of its range about two years ago. Only the smaller HomePod Mini remained.
Why is Apple releasing a new HomePod?
The second generation of the HomePods should convince “with acoustics on the next level”. The new device should enable room-filling 3D audio.
But why is Apple now releasing a new generation of smart speakers after it had all but disappeared from the market? Greg Joswiak, Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Marketing, puts this down to the growing popularity of the HomePod mini.
This led to “interest in even more powerful sound increasing”. Exactly this can be achieved with the larger HomePod.
Building on our audio expertise and innovations, the new HomePod delivers rich, deep bass, natural mids, and clear, detailed highs.
The device also recognizes whether it is standing free or against a wall. The sound is redirected and adapted to the location as appropriate.
Not much has changed in appearance
According to Apple, the new HomePod should not only impress with its sound, but also with “a fantastic, iconic design”. However, customers should not expect any surprises here.
Because the second generation of the HomePods is very similar to its predecessor. Apple also remains typically muted when it comes to the colors – the new device should be available in white and midnight.
Apple HomePod: Sound detection detects smoke detectors
The new HomePod also has temperature and humidity sensors. For example, if it gets too warm in the apartment, the device can close blinds controlled via smart home or switch on a coupled fan.
In addition, the noise detection should also be able to detect alarms from smoke and carbon monoxide detectors from spring. If such a noise is detected, users receive a notification on their smartphone.
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Source: https://www.basicthinking.de/blog/2023/01/20/apple-homepod-zweite-generation/