Technologies that already exist are of little interest to investor Lise Rechsteiner of Vsquared Ventures. What she is looking for are the really big, groundbreaking innovations – deeptech startups. This is exactly what the Munich fund is focusing on. It is about the connection between technology and natural science. Based on findings from mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry or computer science, research teams create new technical processes and machines that are intended to solve a global problem. These include inexhaustible, green energy sources, fine-motor robot hands for use in industry, CO2-neutral materials and launch vehicles that simplify access to space.
Artificial intelligence is also deep tech. This is where the partner must remain critical, especially as more and more startups are working with AI or even bringing their own models onto the market. According to a study by the appliedAI Institute for Europe, there are currently around 6,300 AI startups in the European Union, most of which, around 20 percent, are based in Germany. Rechsteiner explains: “Applying a large language model in a specific area would not be enough for us alone. We either need to see new algorithms, new hardware, new data sets or a combination of these.” The expert is concerned with differentiability.
Source: https://www.businessinsider.de/gruenderszene/technologie/roboter-computer-chips-saubere-materialien-auf-diese-deeptech-startups-schaut-eine-investorin/