Since the hype surrounding the ChatGPT voice assistant, the use of artificial intelligence in one’s own company has become increasingly relevant: one in six German companies is thinking about using AI tools in the future, a representative study by the digital association Bitkom recently showed.
The Berlin startup Deepset is also benefiting from the trend: The founders Milos Rusic, Malte Pietsch and Timo Möller have developed open source software that developers can use to create applications based on language models. This means data can be queried faster and on a larger scale.
If companies have integrated the so-called “Large Language Models” (LLMs) into their IT system, they can have documents summarized, extract information, create content such as marketing texts and set up chatbots that answer questions in natural language.
Source: https://www.businessinsider.de/gruenderszene/technologie/mit-diesem-pitchdeck-sammelten-die-deepset-gruender-30-millionen-ein-nov-23/