What future do we actually want? This central question will be the focus of this year's 48forward Festival in the Alte Kongresshalle in Munich on April 29th and 30th, 2024. As a media partner, we asked founder Daniel Fürg a few questions in advance.
The 48forward Festival is considered by many to be a key event for thought leaders and future designers. It opens its doors on April 29th and 30th, 2024. This year the meeting will take place again in the historic Old Congress Hall in Munich, where the participants will deal with the most burning topics of the future in an inspiring environment. We asked 48forward founder Daniel Fürg a few questions in advance.
Daniel Fürg: 5 questions for the founder of 48forward
BASIC thinking: What was the main reason for you to create 48forward?
We no longer have a culture of debate in Germany. If two parties disagree, it always degenerates directly into a discussion or quickly into a real, usually unobjective argument. We usually only know black or white, but we ignore the shades of gray in between, the possible compromise.
This is often because we often no longer understand the complexity of a topic and our news consumption is determined by sensational headlines. We need to delve deeper into the issues again, listen to and respect different perspectives. This is the only way we can create a future worth living for everyone.
48forward offers space for these debates in various media and event formats. The 48forward Festival is our annual nucleus that exemplifies exactly this vision.
What is the most pressing question for you regarding the future?
Dialog. No matter how big or complex the challenges ahead are, we will only be able to solve them if we address them democratically and collaboratively. And that can only work if we talk to each other.
Whether AI, climate or wars: these are all major challenges in themselves. But the link above this is the restoration of a culture of dialogue that positions itself in opposition to the current culture of debate.
“If I can do that, I’ll be happy”
What are you most looking forward to at the 48forward Festival this year?
I'm really looking forward to the incredible number of different perspectives that we have put together for the program on stage. My goal is to inspire as many people in the audience as possible – if I can do that, I'll be happy.
And I do it with such great people as Nobel Peace Prize winner Shirin Ebadi, the lawyer and journalist Michel Friedman, the Europe expert Anu Bradford, the politician Anton Hofreiter, Airbus Defense and Space CEO Michael Schoellhorn and the Bavarian State Minister for Digital Fabian Mehring I don't worry about that.
Ideally, what remains after the event?
Ideally, the participants will retain many new insights. If we have broadened these people's horizons just a little bit, our job is done. And if as many people as possible follow us via our many different podcasts, videos and other event formats: all the better.
What happens after the festival; and: What further plans are you pursuing with a view to the future?
We'll go straight back into planning for the 48forward Festival 2025. Of course we'll continue with our various podcast and video formats. And this year in particular there will also be numerous side events from us as part of other events such as the Web Summit, Slush, Bits & Pretzels or the Nordic Business Forum.
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Source: https://www.basicthinking.de/blog/2024/04/24/warum-dialog-so-wichtig-ist-5-fragen-an-48forward-gruender-daniel-fuerg/