Shorter innovation cycles, changed business models, advanced technologies, new competitors or simply a changed awareness of “work” have shaped us far more profoundly and comprehensively than ever before. So it is high time for a new understanding of Work & Experience.
The digital world is changing the future of our work, our values and demands on a modern working world. But what challenges do employees and managers face and how do they affect our cooperation? And what is lost if we can digitize everything?
To name just a few assumptions:
- Retention of leaders and their team members can deteriorate
- It can increase individual performance, but it can also decrease team performance
- Every member of the organization can feel stress
- The loyalty to the company of employees in the office and in the production sites can suffer
- Employee commitment can decrease when working from home
As a result: People, their roles and tasks as well as their actual framework conditions inside and outside of organizations are mutually dependent.
Work & Experience W(EX) by CONET
With our holistic approach Work & Experience W(EX) we support your analysis and further development of the interaction of people, organization and technology. From our project and consulting experience, some central questions have emerged along the phases of your digital maturity level, which you must answer if your digital transformation is to be successful:
1. Transformational Consciousness
Recognizing evolutionary and disruptive forces and the implications for one’s own organization
- Future radar organization, people & technology
What does modern work look like and what are the consequences for people, the culture and the organization?
2. Transformations-Strategie
Classification of your own organization in the digital context and development of the individual strategy with a suitable target image
- W(EX)-Organisationsreifegrad
What is the status of your own organization in terms of digitization and what profound changes are imminent?
- W(EX) vision and target image
How should your own organization be positioned with its values and goals for the future?
How do I design the transformation process to be as people- and experience-centric as possible in order to use multipliers and inspire all relevant contacts?
3. Transformations-Design
Development of an individual roadmap with a suitable organizational design for a successful change
- W(EX)-Organisationsdesign
What could the new organization or the new business model look like and what resources, models and systems are necessary for the change process?
How do I design the roadmap for the transformation process to ensure employee involvement?
4. Transformations-Management
Manage change, track performance and implementation and adjust necessary measures
How do I control and design the milestones in the process in order not to lose employees and ensure the full potential of the transformation process?
We would be happy to support you in answering these questions, in evaluating and prioritizing your projects and in accompanying your digital transformation. Read more about CONET’s transformation support and our work & experience approach on our homepage.
Sina Lorenzen advises partners and customers on the topics of work & experience, new work and digital transformation with a focus on the future of work, organizational development and transformation support. She is also the Product Owner of Work & Experience = W(EX) by CONET.
Source: https://www.conet.de/blog/4-relevante-wex-bausteine-fuer-erfolgreiche-digitale-transformation/