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When it comes to tracking on the Internet, cookies are no longer a foreign word. But despite numerous data protection guidelines, a lot of data about us is circulating online. In our weekly ranking, we show you ten methods with which you are monitored on the Internet.
36 percent of Germans are skeptical when it comes to data protection and security on the Internet. But the majority of people surf the Internet regularly. But are you actually aware of the methods used to monitor you on the Internet?
Tracking methods for surveillance on the Internet
Cookies allow companies to collect information about your interests online. But there are many other methods of monitoring on the Internet, as Stiftung Warentest summarizes in a recent article. In the following ranking we will show you how you are monitored online.
10th place: tracking pixels
Often invisible and usually well hidden, we encounter tracking pixels in HTML emails and in graphics. With the help of this monitoring, it is possible to reconstruct at what time and with which device the website was visited and to what extent an email was forwarded.
10th place: tracking pixels. (unsplash.com / Taras Shypka)
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Source: https://www.basicthinking.de/blog/2023/09/22/tracking-methoden-internet-ueberwachung/