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Technology can make our lives and work much easier. But more and more risks and dangers are now becoming apparent in connection with smartphones, social media and the Internet. In our ranking, we show you ten examples of how technology can ruin our lives.
Whether smartphones, computers, social media or artificial intelligence: technology can make our lives and work much easier. But more and more risks and dangers are now becoming apparent in connection with smartphones, social media and the Internet.
This is how technology is destroying our lives
Misinformation, fraud and stress: These are just three of the numerous risks that lurk on the Internet or are a consequence of increasing digitalization. It is therefore advisable to use smartphones, social media, etc. carefully. In the following ranking, we use ten examples to show you how technology can affect our lives.
1. Technology destroys our concentration
According to a 2022 survey by the Center for Attention Studies, 49 percent of adults believe their attention and concentration spans have shrunk due to smartphone and computer use. According to a study from the University of Texas, even the mere presence of a smartphone can impair one's ability to concentrate.
1. Technology destroys our concentration (Photo: Adobe Stock/ Piman Khrutmuang)
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Source: https://www.basicthinking.de/blog/2024/03/22/10-beispiele-wie-technologie-unser-leben-ruiniert/