A faulty software update that caused billions in damage. That's what happened to the IT security company Crowdstrike two weeks ago when the glitch paralyzed 8.5 million Windows devices – causing thousands of flight cancellations and chaos in hospitals around the world. For the founders of the coding startup Checkly, the incident confirms what they already know: that problems are noticed too late, but developers often lack the necessary tools to respond to bugs more quickly. “Today, only a fraction of developers have access to powerful observability and monitoring tools,” says CEO Hannes Lenke. “And the tools available in many cases do not offer development teams the insight, speed, scalability or accuracy they need.” According to the startup, more than 80 percent of companies need an average of more than an hour to fix errors.
The startup Checkly, which Lenke founded in Berlin in 2020 together with Timo Euteneuer and Tim Nolet, wants to change that. The founders rely on a specific technique, so-called “synthetic monitoring”. This involves using behavioral scripts to simulate end-user interactions with a website or app in order to check the performance of an application – whether pages load quickly, for example. The startup integrates synthetic monitoring tools directly into the code repositories of an app so that all processes are up to date and collected in one place. The tool reports possible errors in real time and suggests possible solutions.
Balderton Capital joins the startup
Checkly hopes that this will enable problems to be identified and resolved up to ten times faster. According to the company's own information, more than 1,000 customers are currently using the Berlin-based tool. These include large software companies such as the cloud provider Vercel, Commercetools, Sendcloud, as well as the Paris-based commercial bank Societe Generale and the medical technology company Bemer Group. According to Checkly, IT specialists carry out 32.5 million checks on the platform every day.
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The founders recently raised 20 million US dollars (18.5 million euros) from investors to further develop their solution. London-based VC Balderton Capital participated as lead investor in the Series B round. In addition, existing US investors Accel and CRV as well as business angel Paul Müller, co-founder of Adjust, increased their investment in Checkly.
Lenke, Euteneuer and Nolez don't just want to invest the fresh money in their technology. They also plan to expand Checkly into other countries and to expand their teams in Germany, Europe and the USA. The founders are therefore looking for IT talents who are particularly well versed in product development and sales.
Here you can find out which positions are available, what the requirements are and how much you can earn at Checkly:
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These positions are currently vacant
Source: https://www.businessinsider.de/gruenderszene/technologie/nach-20-millionen-runde-coding-startup-checkly-sucht-software-entwickler-das-koennt-ihr-verdienen/