Redalpine looks at over 5,000 companies a year. The team talks to 1,500 of them. The VC then invests in around ten to 20 of them each year. From two different funds, with different life cycles. With the money from the early-stage fund, Redalpine invests in seed and Series A rounds. The other fund, the Summit Fund, focuses on companies in the growth phase. The industry focus is always the same: software and science.
Scientists from physics, medicine and molecular biology
Founded in 2006, Redalpine is one of the largest European software investors with one billion Swiss francs in assets under management. Swiss francs because Redalpine is headquartered in Zurich. But the team invests across Europe. Investments in the DACH region are more pronounced, however, says Sebastian Becker, General Partner at Redalpine.
Half of the 17-person investment team are scientists from the fields of physics, medicine and molecular biology. This results in a different team dynamic than at many VCs. The team is not “hype-driven, but rather analytical and fact-based,” says Becker. The startups that convince Redalpine receive one to ten million euros per investment.
Source: https://www.businessinsider.de/gruenderszene/business/auf-der-suche-nach-unternehmen-die-die-welt-veraendern-so-investiert-redalpine/