Ever since smartphones were invented, apps have been part of many people's everyday lives. Most applications can be helpful and useful in many situations. In our weekly ranking, we show you the ten best apps for Android and iOS.

Whether it's online shopping, doctor's appointments, sports programs or meditation exercises: there are suitable apps for many areas of life. But not all applications keep their promises.

The German Society for Consumer Studies (DtGV) has therefore once again chosen the best apps for Android and iOS as part of its App Awards.

The best apps for iOS and Android

As part of a user survey, the DtGV collected over 10,000 customer reviews on a total of 880 apps from 112 industries and created a comprehensive ranking. The popularity of the individual applications was measured with a customer satisfaction score.

The consumer institute designed this to be able to depict different app experiences across industries. The scale ranges from one (very negative experiences) to ten (very positive experiences). In the following ranking we show you the ten best apps for Android and iOS.

Platz 10: Rituals – Cosmetics

Rituals (for Android) ranks tenth in the ranking of the best apps. The application of the cosmetic line received 7.87 points. It includes discounts on product orders and premium content for members, including master classes, podcasts, recipes, and yoga and meditation exercises.

Platz 10:  Rituals – Cosmetics. (Foto: Rituals Cosmetics)

You can go back and forth using the arrows under the heading.

Source: https://www.basicthinking.de/blog/2024/09/06/besten-apps/

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