In the “Homescreen!” series, we regularly present the home screens of people from the social media, marketing, media and tech industries – including app recommendations and tips for everything from to-do lists to quick games. Today: Jasper Roll, Managing Director of Haufe Group Ventures GmbH.

Jasper Roll: I use my smartphone mainly for two things: communication and organizing both my professional and private life. I want to keep an eye on everything as much as possible, which is why I have grouped most of my apps into categories.

Japser Roll relies on efficient communication and “Inbox Zero”

My smartphone helps me to be reachable and to answer messages on the same day if possible. Depending on the urgency, you can reach me via various apps: at short notice by phone, via WhatsApp (for Android) for quick exchanges, in teams for medium-term, internal topics and by email for structured exchanges.

My daily to-do is to process all new emails and clean up my inbox. It doesn't always work, but it's my goal: Inbox Zero – no more open emails at the end of the day.

Attio for maintaining relationships with start-ups

I want to shape the future of the world of work in close cooperation with innovative B2B startups. As managing director of the corporate VC and venture studio Haufe Group Ventures, it is particularly important for me to keep an eye on communication with various founders. For this I use the Attio app (for Android).

It helps me and my team to communicate efficiently and quickly, to track email threads and to have easy access to all important topics. This allows us to work with the founders in the way I believe entrepreneurship should be: honestly and transparently, so that no castles in the air can arise.

The home screen of Jasper Roll, Managing Director of Haufe Group Ventures GmbH.

LinkedIn – the number 1 social media platform for Jasper Roll

LinkedIn (for Android) is my favorite social network. I spend a lot more time here than on Instagram, for example. As soon as I meet a new person in a business context, I connect with them – whether they're a founder, potential business partner, or other professionals.

I also make new contacts with exciting start-ups directly via LinkedIn. At the same time, the platform is my gateway to exciting news, start-up deals and innovations, which is why I use the app almost every day.

Nothing works without my calendar app

My calendar is indispensable for me as I am often fully booked. It is often packed with appointments such as one-on-ones, board meetings or events and helps me to exchange ideas with other corporates, get to know startups, support them and use my network. It also contains travel plans – this way I can ensure that I am always in the right place at the right time and don't forget anything.

I decide when I am available. I use a work profile: the suitcase icon on my email program shows whether it is on or off. I only receive notifications about work emails and can access them if it is on. This helps me to stay focused and use my smartphone more consciously during quality time with my family. For me, work is part of my private life too – but I decide when and where.

Speaking of private life: Food, games and sports are also included

I love cooking in my free time and get inspiration from the Chefkoch app (for Android). When my mind wants to be somewhere else entirely, I sometimes play games on my smartphone – currently the trading card game Hearthstone (for Android).

I'm also looking forward to the Bundesliga starting up again soon, so I can compete with friends for the best managerial skills in the Kickbase app (for Android). I organize my great passion for sport in “real” life, handball, using the SpielerPlus app (for Android), which helps our team plan training.

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