Microsoft Teams is an integral part of everyday work for many companies – a powerful tool that promotes cooperation and communication. But even though many are used every day, useful functions often remain undetected. Regardless of whether you are just starting with teams or are already using it intensively: there are always new tips and tricks to discover that can make everyday work easier.

Teams are extensive – and that can sometimes make it confusing. In addition, there is often a lack of time in everyday work to deal intensively with the use of teams. In our blog series, we therefore show step by step how everyone can get the best out of teams-without much effort and immediately applicable.

This first post contains eight practical, but often overlooked functions that make everyday life easier. In the upcoming articles, we immerse yourself deeper in topics such as settings, meetings and the optimal structuring of teams and channels.

Table of contents

1) Use key combinations

Key combinations are a great way to save time in Microsoft Teams and to navigate quickly between the different functions. Here are some of the most useful shortcuts:

  • “Ctrl +.” Call the help for keyboard shortcuts in a new window. If you click on “keyboard combinations” in this window at the top, a list of all combinations is displayed.
  • “Strg + e” Put the cursor on the search bar to quickly search for people, files or chats. This function is particularly useful if you often switch between different conversations or projects.
  • “Ctrl + Shift + M” Switch the microphone silently or again to avoid unnecessary disorders.
  • “Alt + arrow key on the left/right” Jump to the previous or subsequent action in teams that you have carried out yourself. Such an action can be, for example, shipping a chat message.
  • “Ctrl + 1/2/3” Allow you the quick change between the main areas of teams: activities, chats and teams. This is particularly practical when editing several tasks in parallel.

2) “Lower all hands” in meetings

In larger meetings you can use the function of the hand stitch, for example, to make surveys. So that not every single participant has to lower the hand again, the moderating can do this with the function “lower all hands” at the push of a button. This can also be used if participants forget to reduce their hands after a speech.

This is how it works:

  • Open list of participants during the meeting.
  • Select “Sinks all hands” to delete all hand signals.

Workplace Solutions mit CONET

Good cooperation is an important factor for company success both within the company and across corporate borders. We support you in finding the right solutions for you, your employees and external users such as customers and partners. For example, this can be an introduction of Microsoft Teams as the standard tool for communication and cooperation.

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3) Open the chats in free -floating windows

In Microsoft teams, a chat can be easily folded out into a separate window. This makes it possible to keep an eye on several conversations at the same time or to constantly open an important chat without having to switch between different functions or chats. So the chat remains freely floating and at any time accessible on the screen.

Open several chat windows:

  1. Right -click on a chat or a team in the left sidebar.
  2. Select “Open in a new window”.

Alternatively, the tab can also be duplicated in the web version. To do this, just click on the team tab and then duplicate duplicate. Then different chats or teams can be opened in the tabs, as shown in the screenshot.

4) Search specifically in chats

Chat search is often overlooked in teams. In addition to the general search bar on the upper edge of the screen, there is also the possibility to search for messages in a certain chat. This is particularly helpful to find specific information or message in a long chat.

This is how the chat search works:

  1. Open the corresponding chat.
  2. Press Ctrl + F.
  3. A sidebar opens in which the search term can be entered.

5) Post contributions at the same time in several channels

Teams offers the opportunity to write a contribution in a channel and at the same time post it in other channels without having to switch to these channels. This saves the cumbersome copying of messages into different channels.

This is how it works:

  1. Write post in a channel.
  2. In the writing field at the top right of “Settings “Go and” select several channels there. The current channel appears above the subject.
  3. Click on the plus to add other channels in which the contribution should also appear.

With tags you can address specific groups of people within a team without having to mention all names individually. By mentioning with one day, the people are explicitly addressed and receive a notification.

  1. Click the three points (further options) next to a team name in the left sidebar.
  2. “Manage tags “Select. A new window opens.
  3. For the new day a tag name and optionally place a day description and add any person.
  4. Use the day in articles by preceding a “@” when writing a message and the day name is then mentioned. This is stored blue.

7) Integrate external guests

Corporate -external people such as customers, business partners or personal accounts can also be added to teams. By integrating this, the use of emails can be reduced and all conversations can be held centrally. The external person can also get access to shared files in order to always see the latest state of the file. Furthermore, owners of a team can make certain attitudes for guests to limit the access.

Add external guests:

  1. Click the three points (further options) next to a team name in the left sidebar.
  2. “Add a member ” choose.
  3. Enter the guest email address and add it.

8) Use loop components

Loop components can be used in chats or channels to make cooperation more interactive, faster and clearer. There are eleven tools by default, which are briefly explained below.

This is how it works:

In general, you open the loop components by on the sign in the writing area Click. The area changes and you can enter a title and select the right component. The possible components are:

  • Table: A collaborative table in which team members can enter and edit data or information at the same time.
  • List with list marker: A simple list of bullet points in which ideas, notes or points can be collected.
  • Checklist: An interactive to-do list in which team members can add, edit and check tasks.
  • Task list: A list of tasks that is divided into clearly defined steps. You can assign tasks, categorize them and create a due date.
  • Voting table: A table in which team members can enter and evaluate various options in order to make a decision by voting.
  • Numbered list: A list in which the points are numbered to create a clear order.
  • F&A meeting: With this, several questions can be asked and answered individually.
  • Status tracking: A function that makes it possible to monitor the progress of tasks. You enter the task and an owner as well as an end date and the status. All team members can now update this task.
  • Code: This component allows code blocks to share and edit code blocks in a common area. Developer teams can exchange code, discuss and work collaboratively.
  • Kanban-Board: A visual tool for project management, in which tasks as cards in columns (e.g. “to be done”, “in progress”, “done”) are organized.
  • Team review: A component used to carry out reflections. Team members can share their thoughts and observations on a topic to identify improvements in the future.

With this post, the series about useful tips and tricks in Microsoft teams starts. Do not miss future posts to discover further hidden functions and get the best out of teams – follow our blog today!

Workplace Solutions mit CONET

Good cooperation is an important factor for company success both within the company and across corporate borders. We support you in finding the right solutions for you, your employees and external users such as customers and partners. For example, this can be an introduction of Microsoft Teams as the standard tool for communication and cooperation.

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Was this article helpful for you? Or do you have any further questions about Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams? Write us a comment or please call us.

Food: Karesday

Katharina Jungbluth works in the Workplace Solutions department at Conet. In her role, she advises customers comprehensively on integration, adaptation and efficient use of Microsoft products with the aim of supporting and improving their individual work processes.

Photo: Romina Buric

Romina Buric works as Junior IT Consultant at CONET in Croatia. In the area of ​​M365 applications, she advises companies to optimize their digital cooperation and the design of modern work environments with Microsoft Teams and Sharepoint.


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