Whether off-road or in the city: many Germans like to ride e-bikes. There are now numerous models that are suitable for a wide variety of purposes. In our weekly ranking we present you the ten best e-bikes according to Stiftung Warentest.

E-bikes are comfortable, environmentally friendly and offer a great way to get some exercise without putting too much strain on the body. They are suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels and are very popular in Germany. Last year, around 2.1 million electric bikes were sold in this country.

The best e-bikes in comparison

However, there is a lot of variety on the market. Almost every type of bike – from the classic low-step bike to the cargo bike – is now also available with an electric motor. In 2024, Stiftung Warentest therefore tested eleven trekking e-bikes with derailleur gears and disc brakes.

In 2023, the consumer organization also tested eleven city e-bikes. The test bikes were each tested over several hundred kilometers of track with different surfaces. The laboratory then carried out a check on the safety requirements, batteries, motors and displays. In the following ranking, we show you the ten best e-bikes in comparison.

Platz 10: Hercules Futura Sport I-10

The Hercules Futura Sport I-10 with the Overall grade 2.3The Stiftung Warentest describes the trekking bike as very maneuverable and the handling as good. However, when riding with a lot of luggage, a spongy feeling was felt in the test. The mudguard struts also came loose early on. The battery, on the other hand, could only be removed from below with difficulty. The lighting system is considered mediocre.

Platz 10: Hercules Futura Sport I-102,3. (Photo: Hercules GmbH)

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Source: https://www.basicthinking.de/blog/2024/06/01/die-besten-e-bikes/

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