For most people, the smartphone is now an integral part of everyday life. While some people at least always have it with them, others even take their smartphone with them to the toilet or put it on the table while eating. But there are good reasons not to do exactly that.
Whether at the breakfast table, while working or eating with friends: Many people put their smartphone on the table next to them – even though they are actually busy with something else. The problem is that even if notifications are turned off, the cell phone is still present.
Smartphone on the table: Better not do that!
According to a study by the University of Texas, the mere presence of a smartphone can negatively affect one's ability to concentrate. The researchers' goal was to find out how well people can complete certain tasks when their smartphone is nearby but not in use.
The approximately 800 study participants had to complete various concentration tests. She was divided into three groups. In group one, the test subjects had their smartphones in visible proximity – with the display facing down on a table.
The participants in group two had their cell phones in their pockets or handbags. The test subjects from group three had to leave their smartphone in another room. Meanwhile, the researchers asked the participants to carry out the tests with as much concentration as possible – the test subjects from groups one and two were not allowed to use their cell phones.
The presence of the smartphone affects concentration
The result: Those who had their smartphones on the table during the tests performed significantly worse. The participants from groups two and three again achieved similar results. In advance, 80 percent of all participants were of the opinion that the mere presence of their smartphones would not have a negative impact.
However, the researchers prove the opposite, even if users had previously turned off device notifications. In order to achieve good results in important tasks, it is advisable to keep the smartphone out of your field of vision. Study leader Adrian Ward explained:
The thought process required to not think about your smartphone compromises cognitive resources for the tasks you're supposed to be doing.
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Source: https://www.basicthinking.de/blog/2024/02/20/darum-solltest-du-dein-smartphone-nicht-vor-dich-auf-den-tisch-legen/