When it is time to tackle the roof renovation, this is often an expensive and annoying affair, and it often means an uncomfortable living experience during the renovation.
On the other hand, the roof is finally properly insulated again and offers good conditions for keeping the heat in the house in winter and the hot air outside on warm summer days.
Roof renovation with simultaneous installation of a photovoltaic system makes sense?
In this context, it can be practical to provide a more autonomous and environmentally friendly power supply. With solar panels on the roof, this dream comes a whole lot closer.
But does it really make sense to carry out the roof renovation at the same time as installing a photovoltaic system?
Or can this also be done separately without much additional effort? And what are the other advantages of having your own solar system anyway?
In Baden-Württemberg, there has even been an obligation to install a photovoltaic system for fundamental roof renovations since 2023. In addition to Baden-Württemberg, there are also specific requirements in other federal states, which can be read here. For this reason, it is not a free decision in certain constellations, but is affected by these framework conditions.

Surprising cost advantage during installation
In fact, the combination of roof renovation and installation of a solar system on the roof is definitely a good idea – especially financially. In this way, the scaffolding can be used twice for the roofers as well as for the installers of the system and does not have to be assembled and dismantled or organized and paid for twice. If desired, the modules can also be integrated directly into the roof, which is much easier if the roof is to be re-covered anyway.
In addition, one can also save costs in terms of the amount of roof tiles that is required for the new roof. Of course, it is important that both the roofers and the specialist installers of the system can and want to work hand in hand. However, if this is not a problem, such an installation can also have visual advantages and can look particularly chic with color matching.
On the other hand, a solar module flat roof mounting system only makes sense if the roof is built at the right angle and produces the best yield.
However, consultation with the responsible specialist staff can help with the decision.
A new development are so-called solar roof tiles, in which solar cells are inserted directly into the tile itself or even form the entire tile. However, due to the novelty of the development, this is associated with much higher costs and is therefore usually only an option if other solutions for installing solar systems are not possible, for example due to monument protection.

Further advantages: Conversion to environmentally friendly power generation
Under certain circumstances, costs can thus be saved when setting up the system. But the main reason for building the system is of course the cost savings during the operating period and thus the use of renewable energy from the house roof for your own electricity consumption. This means that energy costs can be noticeably saved and, depending on the size of the system, a large part of your own electricity requirements can be covered.
In addition, the surplus can be fed into the power grid and yields can be generated as a result. It can even be worthwhile to set up a system for pure feeding into the power grid; however, this should be examined more closely in individual cases.
Even if no roof renovation is pending, it can still make sense to think about installing a solar system on the roof. Since electricity is generated with the help of solar radiation, no finite resources are used in operation and the energy generated is considered to be renewable and sustainable. This means that the environment is less burdened and protected. In times of global warming, this advantage should also be taken into account.
Source: https://blogg.de/dachsanierung-photovoltaikanlage-mitmachen-lohnt-sich/