There is an imbalance: an imbalance between new startups and financing rounds. There were more than 2,500 new startups and fewer than 2,000 financing rounds in Germany last year. This means that not every startup gets money. New startups in the B2B sector in particular have increased, i.e. startups that offer products for business customers. This was the result of an analysis of new startups and financing rounds by Startup Detector and the High-Tech Gründerfonds. According to the study, more than half of the startups founded in the first quarter of 2024 (55 percent) focused on B2B business models.
In order to convince investors, the pitch deck for a B2B startup has to stand out even more. Expert Arnas Bräutigam, co-founder of the fundraising platform AddedVal.io, explains in three steps what is important for B2B pitch decks. We also show you the pitch decks of seven B2B startups that have successfully completed a financing round in recent years – and which slides particularly impressed our experts. The startups have attracted investors such as UVC Partners, Picus Capital and Creandum. The financing rounds range from pre-seed to Series A and investment volumes range from 1.2 to over 50 million euros.
You can find more exciting company presentations on our pitch deck topic page. You can get video feedback from experts for your own slides here.
3 basics for a successful B2B pitch deck
Source: https://www.businessinsider.de/gruenderszene/business/erfolgreich-pitchen-als-b2b-startup-tipps-tricks-aus-der-praxis/