By the end of the year, the Munich startup Proxima Fusion wants to expand its current 30-person team to 50 to 60 employees. But only with the best. With top talent from highly complex areas of knowledge. The founder Francesco Sciortino himself received his doctorate in plasma physics and fusion energy from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 2021. His co-founder Lucio Maria Milanese also comes from MIT, where he worked on nuclear physics. Co-founder Martin Kubie worked at Google X in San Francisco after four years in mechanical engineering in Cambridge. How do you become part of the team? And how much salary can you ask for?
Source: https://www.businessinsider.de/gruenderszene/technologie/fusions-startup-dieses-gehalt-erwartet-euch-bei-proxima-fusion-und-das-muesst-ihr-dafuer-koennen/