This is a guest post by Andreas Schrade. He is CEO and founder of Gate5, an IT agency focused on new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI). Here he explains how IT projects don't fail.
It's alarming: According to a study by Oxford University and Computer Weekly, only 16 percent of IT projects were successfully completed. Successful means fully functional in the planned time, with the planned functions. The study is a few years old, but anyone who works in this area knows that the numbers are likely to be similar today. This causes enormous damage to companies. In many projects, budget needs to be added that was not planned. In other situations, important development steps cannot be taken, shops cannot be put into operation or products cannot be sold. For some companies, this can become an existential problem.
Source: https://www.businessinsider.de/gruenderszene/technologie/mit-diesen-7-tipps-rettet-ihr-it-projekte-vor-dem-scheitern/