A flying shopping cart developed by researchers is intended to change shopping behavior in the supermarket.

Imagine being able to not only push your groceries through the supermarket, but let them float. This may sound like science fiction at first, but researchers at the Seoul National University of Science and Technology have now presented exactly such a concept.

Their so-called pallet cart is a flying shopping cart that is intended to make it possible to transport loads through the air. The idea behind it is simple: instead of laboriously maneuvering up and down the stairs, the car simply floats over them.

The pallet truck is based on a multirotor platform. At the heart of it are four servo motors that drive the system. These motors provide a consistent airflow that keeps the platform in the air. The top offers enough space to place items. The car can be controlled using a handle on the side.

Flying shopping cart can carry three kilograms

A big advantage of the pallet truck is its ability to move freely in space. This means that obstacles such as stairs or uneven floors are not a problem. Because the car simply floats over it. However, there are still some challenges that researchers must overcome.

For example, uneven loading can create an imbalance that affects stability. In addition, the payload is currently limited to around 2.93 kilograms – so just a few light purchases.

Another problem is that the system is currently unable to react to external influences such as wind. This means that the pallet trucks can only be used in controlled environments. However, researchers are working to solve these problems and further improve charging capacity and controls.

Other application scenarios are also conceivable

Although the researchers originally developed the shopping cart as a transport platform, they also see other possible uses. For example, it could serve as a flying platform for film crews to position cameras from different angles. However, the construction is currently still very loud due to the engines.

Overall, the pallet truck shows that the future of transport could not only take place on the ground. With further improvements, technology could make our daily lives much easier – be it shopping or other areas.

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Source: https://www.basicthinking.de/blog/2024/10/26/fliegender-palettenwagen/

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