When it comes to completing routine tasks, a majority of German startups (53 percent) already use AI assistants like ChatGPT. This recently emerged from a survey by the digital association Bitkom among around 200 startups. The authors emphasized to Gründerszene that the results were not representative. Bitkom conducted the survey between March and May 2023. However, it is conceivable that the number of ChatGPT users in startups has continued to rise since then. The ChatGPT developer OpenAI recently published an enterprise version, which should encourage other companies to experiment with the AI tool.
So far there has been little insight into how the young companies actually use the tool in everyday life. Does this actually only pre-formulate emails, collect brainstorming ideas or prepare meetings – as described by Bitkom? We wanted to know more precisely: the start-up scene asked around and a few Testimonials collected.
We were also interested in whether and how much working hours could be saved through the use of ChatGPT and whether this could possibly be the case Place dropped out are.
Cuba Buddy, online travel provider
Source: https://www.businessinsider.de/gruenderszene/technologie/startups-chatgpt-alltag-nov23/