A gigantic wave of layoffs has been sweeping the big tech companies for months. Shortly afterwards, the topic of artificial intelligence hit all industries. Despite the praise, the antithesis is right there with you: Can AI soon take over coding – and even better and more efficiently than human developers? Is it still worth starting a business in the traditional tech sector or should you rely directly on AI?
The impact of the profound changes on the tech industry in general and founders in particular is explained Marc Peter Dauter, Managing Director vom Coding Bootcamp-Anbieter Le Wagon Germanyin guest post.
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2023/24: The tech industry in upheaval
Source: https://www.businessinsider.de/gruenderszene/technologie/lohnt-es-sich-ueberhaupt-noch-coden-zu-lernen-jetzt-wo-chatgpt-und-konsorten-das-koennen-0224/