In the series “Homescreen!” we regularly present the home screens of people from the social media, marketing, media and tech industries – including app recommendations and tips for everything from to-do lists to a quick game to play in between. Today: Kollex CTO Marco Roßdeutscher.
Marco Roßdeutscher: Every morning I start the day with a cup of coffee and first check the most important news sites on Readly (for Android) and the rain radar app (for Android) to know what's going on in the world and whether I can ride my motorcycle to the office.
Checking the news in the morning is important to me because I rarely have the opportunity to deal with the outside world during working hours. As soon as I step into the office or home office, I immerse myself completely in our kollex platform and ensure that the data exchange between our partners runs smoothly.
The smartphone of Marco Roßdeutscher
In fact, my daily work doesn't start in the office. As the person responsible for all technical issues, I always have my work with me on my phone with the kollex app. With the Datadog app (for Android), I also keep an eye on our platform and can monitor whether everything is running smoothly.
If errors occur, I automatically receive an alert via Slack (for Android). For this reason and of course for communicating with the team, Slack is also directly on my home screen. These apps help me to stay up to date and to react quickly if necessary.
To balance out my job, I use Apple's fitness app several times a week to track my swimming and running workouts. I measure my health data using the Withings Health Mate app (for Android) and have everything at a glance, from blood pressure to fitness activities to sleep analysis.
The home screen of Kollex CTO Marco Roßdeutscher.
Music and language
There's electronic music for your ears – I love it and I found a radio streaming app (for Android) called Dl.fm that has over 90 electronic channels for fans like me. All styles from trance to house, EDM and dance to chillout are covered here – so it's the perfect app for every electronic fan, I can only recommend it. When I'm at home and want to relax, I control the music via my SONOS app (for Android) and I like to listen to film music the most.
What is also music to my ears is the sound of the Italian language. In order to be able to communicate a little better on my next holiday in Italy and to absorb the culture, country and people even more, I have set myself the goal of learning a few Italian phrases this year.
For this I use Babbel (for Android). With my Livetime account I can learn languages throughout my life and immerse myself in any language besides Italian, for example Spanish for my next trip to the Caribbean.
Digitalisation in everyday life
Digitization is not only my focus in my professional life, but also determines my private life. I have digitized many tasks as much as possible in order to save valuable time for myself and my family. For example, for quick errands on the go or to book a doctor's appointment, I use apps like EasyPark (for Android) or Doctolib (for Android), which make my life a lot easier.
To ensure that all my data is protected anytime and anywhere, my absolute favorite is the 1Password app (for Android). It is one of the best tools out there for managing your passwords and I use it every day – both in a professional and private context.
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Source: https://www.basicthinking.de/blog/2024/05/27/homescreen-das-smartphone-von-kollex-cto-marco-rossdeutscher/